martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

-It does because the game has all this:
-that is not to difficult but is not to easy
-it has prizes
-one half of the time you win
-it was a good really fun and peolple will get it really easy

-the most powerful ideas are:
-1/2 of the times you win

-what can i leave of the game to make it simple?
 -nothing the game is simple


  1. Grab the box and cut a out a part of it to make the "window"
  2. Cut the prize shut
  3. Make the barrier between the shut and the prizes
  4. make the maze in the top of the box
  • Philip: claw, silicone gun 
  • Mariajose: silicone gun

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

Design Project Day 2

-The best drawing is silvias.
-it us like the same but ir has some parts like the machine to pick up the toys
-the coin thing to play
-the coin thing to insert to play

-good was that it is fun beacuse kids win a toy
-bad that it should be more chalenging

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013

Design project-day 1

MariaJose Archila   Silvia Lobo-Guerrero

Elementary kids will be the ones playing,it will be for both genders

It wont be impossible but it will have its challenges

Ideas to make the game fun:
-that is not to difficult but is not to easy
-it has prizes
-one half of the time you win :
it was a good really fun and peolple will get it really easy : 
not really easy to make but it ould be easy and fun to olay
I think it is a really good idea and also kids can get it really good

We are going to make a claw machine and we are going to put stuffed animals inside.The things that could go wrong is that the claw breaks or the kids steal the stuffed animals. We are going to avoid that by having a backup claw and by putting a lid on the box so that a hand cant come in. By giving prizes the game will be popular and fun so then more people want to play it.