miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012

Miguel Posse: http://beta.mural.ly/
This tool is really awesome
Thinks i liked:
1.you can put any photo and video also from any website.
2.you can use it to do different  types of presentations.

3.i like that you can move the presentacion and zoom it in and out.

Things i can think to improve:
1.that the tool had like thing to put color to the blank thing
2.that the tool had the opcion to cut some parts of the presentation.
3.that the tool could be an app so we did not need internet to use it.

How would i use the tool:
1.school projects
2.to do a photo colash.

Alejandro Arango: https://www.mentimeter.com/
Things i like:
1. it is a voting system  online
2.it helps you to make votes for presentations you just ask your audience to go in the web site and vote.
3. it is free and can be used from mobiles
 Things i would add:
1.that you could change your vote if you change opinion
2.their was an app formit
3.cuald add fotos to the chart
How can i use it:
1.for a school presentationes
2.to do elections of any thing

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012



What do i know about it?

-what does it do?
it is like a operating system just like windos 8 or mac
-how much does it cost?
package                                              cost
-Download                                          free
Boxed set (6 cds and book)              $39.95
Boxed set(8 cds and book)+       $149.95
profesional level support                        
-How create it?
Linus Torvalds
-When was it created?

-Linux is free 
-The 10 faster computers in the world use Linux
-GNU(General Public Lincense) almost create Linux first in 1983
-There are Linux cds tutorials 
-Linux is faster than other operating programs
Well Lunix is a operating system that can be downlaod for free and it is faster than other operating systems.It was created by Linus Torvalds and asembeld October 5 1991.It will help my life and it has a realcacion with my life, that reacionship is that well now a days almost all things have to do with cmputers and Linux is a program i will have to learn how to use to imrove my skills of using computers.
-Why is a pinguin the logo?
The idea came from Alan Cox fist at a point Linus Torvalds casually mentioned that he was rather fond on pinguins this stoped the debates at once .

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

http://www.aum.edu/home this i s university that i can go in and it is good.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012


state college
wake forest  universitymorris brown college chicago
state university
 trait 1   6,858 students 7,162 students 2,785 students7,354 students
 trait 2



 trait 3 Graduation Rate
 Graduation Rate
 Graduation Rate
 Graduation Rate
 trait 4 Average GPA
 Average GPA
 Average GPA
 Average GPA
 trait 5 https://connection.naviance.com/family-connection/colleges/college/view/?smscid=3301626&tab=majors https://connection.naviance.com/family-connection/colleges/college/view/?smscid=2600038&tab=majors https://connection.naviance.com/family-connection/colleges/college/view/?smscid=1100835&tab=majors https://connection.naviance.com/family-connection/colleges/college/view/?smscid=2100229&tab=majors
 trait 6 https://connection.naviance.com/family-connection/colleges/college/view/?smscid=3301626&tab=life&section=athletics https://connection.naviance.com/family-connection/colleges/college/view/?smscid=2600038&tab=life&section=athletics https://connection.naviance.com/family-connection/colleges/college/view/?smscid=1100835&tab=life&section=athletics https://connection.naviance.com/family-connection/colleges/college/view/?smscid=2100229&tab=life&section=athletics
 trait 7 Farmingdale, New York Winston-Salem, North Carolina Atlanta, Georgia Winston-Salem, North Carolina

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012


1.how to pu it online?
i put it on this link: http://goo.gl/WoZdw
2.how to put fotos?

3.what to do to get the app in appstore?

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012


how to put color to the color of the templates?

how to make the free call go on my app? 
putting the web site:                                   http://www.paginasamarillas.com.co/busqueda/lechonerias+dona+fanny-bogota?match=lechonerias%20dona%20fanny|

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012


or found in ipad(iphone,ipod,mac) as an app
- the website is about an app theta is used to modify pictures to comunicate  like in this video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sdksv49d2oY#!
that video shows how it works and how you can modifuy pictures with this awsome app.
-the app works like it is shown in the video and an exmaple I did was this one:

-this is how students may use it to do some do stuff:

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Well in then video they say that we the kids use always technology and that this is good and alos that we can do things 2 times but tye new generation are doing 5 to 6 thing at the same time but they figured out that multitaskers are really bad at multitascking.we distract many times whemn we afe trying to do something.the internet search makes us smarter.but what happens to constant net is addictive .there are people that are addicted to the video games and it is an addiction.in korea 10 to the 15 percent of kids van become addicted to video games.in korea thier is free camps to trreat addiction to internet and games.
 i have agrered wit all this things they ssaid because i think it is true.
 kids will neead more ablilties of technolgy in 5 years i think yea beacuse techonlogy improves evry day.
digital is a distracion i think yes buit it is because thier is fuj inthe technology.technology is a second natuire to kids yes beacuse we know how to use it.internet games ect makes people conect each other yes beacuse you can talk.
techomnlogy during the 50 years has separte us yes like he said we passed to seing ,movies in  a the a theater to the m ovies yto a ipod.
do techology make you have a team ys by skype.
can you work in technology yes .
you cabn meat 9ijn virtual games  of course and it is gopod.\
digital stuff vcan make samll kids belive sometjhing yes why not.
can you cure someone with digital tecxhonlogy weel depends onb the person.

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

White hat hacking

What is white hat hacking?
White hat hacking is hackers that do not damaging the internet or other thing.What white hackers do id to helps clean and make stronger the internet the softword and does thing,preventing that Black hat hackers damege it.White hackers would like that people think that hacking is always bad because white hat hackers like to program ect.they are softward developers.

Who is a famous white hat hacker?
Stephen Wozniak is a white hat hackers he is famous for being the other "steve" of apple.he founded apple computer.has been award with the nacional medal of technology and nacional inventors of the hall of fame.

White hackers informatiom
-they do good not bad
-they create softwards 
-they do not like that people difine hacking as bad
-defend corparet networks
-some times white hat hackers try to break into their own network.

Short sumarry:
well this has to be in my life because white hackers like Stephen Wozniak that invented with Steve Jobs the Apple computer and this has to do with my like because I use Apple products all the time.

What kind of hacker they are?
White hat hacker
Black hat hacker
Grey hat hacker
Blue hat hacker
Green hat hacker
Red hat hacker
Yellow hat hacker

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Google day 1

1.What can I use to do the apps?
I will use a program called MoBione that lets me do apps.
this links are to downlaod and are useful to know wich prgram is good to create an app and how to use it.this will help me do a good and i learned that simple apps can make you win lots of money like Ifart won 27,000 dollars a day just for a simple app so this can make me win profit.

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

Google 20%

App Creating is the skill i want to do because i can earn money with it.The best part of this skill is that i can do apps to sell and it would be fun because i can earn money doing something i like.also it is going to be fun to learn how to create things that i use every day.i will learn how to do it with videos and internet help also with the teacher.i would like tro do this for a new expirince.also it would be fun.

I will show my proyect to the class by dooing an app for my iphone or a kind of app.i will show it and also do a power point of the app i did.In the power point i will put the thing that were dificult and easy.the class will learn what i did.i will show the class my app and i hope they like it.also the powerpoint.

web site
